I do still miss home though...
This tank top I'm wearing reminds me of home and summer... It smells like Rockaway sand and sunscreen. I really don't wanna wash it now.
I don't want to lose this smell. I'll never forget the smell completely, but the reminder right now makes me smile.
I miss the New York sun, the hot sand, the salty water, and just the atmosphere...
I miss being able to walk 2 blocks to buy an Arizona for 99 cents from the grocery store, where the owners love me...
I miss walking across the street to knock on my friend's door...
I miss riding my bike to the boardwalk, even when I'm not allowed to...
I miss just being 5 minutes away from everyone...
I miss my friends...
I miss the beach...
I miss food! New York pizza, Italian food...
I even miss Plum's. No, not the best food, but it was 2 blocks away and I would see everyone there.
So, here I sit at midnight... Typing a post, smiling, breathing in the familiar smell off this tank top...
No tears tonight...
Just memories...
With that final saying, I bid you a good night, and hopefully, sweet dreams...