Tuesday, October 29, 2013


So... I haven't posted in like... What? Months? Maybe a year? Blogger still a thing? People still read these? 
Know what?  I don't care. 
It's 1am, and I feel like ranting. And this is what this blog is, for the most part: Rants. 
Okay, now the actual rant.
 So, almost all my friends at school are currently guys. (And not the gender-neutral term guys. These guys have penises, or at least that's what I've been told.) This isn't a big deal, and it shouldn't be. I treat them the same way I treat all of my other friends. I happen to be the only girl in this small group too. Unfortunately, some of my usual doing come off as flirty to outsiders. Naturally, assumptions of dating occur.

Boy #1

Lucky me, this resulted in a rumor that me and one of the boys (who is hardly my friend, yet the rumor sparked because we walked to math class together) were dating last year. This was false and then when I was told by our other friends that he indeed liked me and was planning on asking me out, it was awkward. This was not a fun experience because he became seemingly clingy. According to our other friends, he is only really awkward around me, but he was also the same with our other friend (the former only girl in the group) freshman year. She left after the first year and I took her place as the main chick of the group.

Me and this dude were never really friends. We probably could've been decent friends, but due to the dating rumor so early in the year and the realization he liked me, it was ruined. He cracks terrible jokes, most of which make me want to punch him (though I am kind enough to stop myself). I feel like a bitch around him, because I can't stand him most of the time. He comes off as so annoying and I feel bad. Some of the things he does make me uncomfortable and just no. No. He needs to find another girl to get flustered around because I can only feel 'flattered' for so long.

Boy #2

Okay,  now this boy is one of my best friends (to some extend). He's a little sarcastic shit, but he's still awesome. I've been known to hug him randomly, poke his stomach, and throw things at him out of pure boredom. He usually gives no shits, so it's all good. Because he is male and I am female, people then assumed we were dating. This at least made more sense than Boy #1, but still. Two freshman asked us if we were dating on the first day they met us. (Actually, asked if we were siblings then asked if we were dating.)

And yes, the idea of dating this boy has crossed my mind and I have decided that's a stupid idea. He's a little shit, doesn't care about anything, and I just feel like he'd be a terrible boyfriend (at least for me). He's had a girlfriend or so before, but they were one of those middle school relationships that never counted, so it doesn't exactly count.

Boy #3

Okay... This is where this may turn serious.  Now,  I don't actually know if there are/were rumors of us dating, though I am willing to bet there has been. I won't be surprised.

HOWEVER: I would actually date this one. I would love to date this one. He's your basic lovable geek. All AP classes, always playing games on his computer (which resulted in a N64 tournament on a random lunch period), and he's just nice and sweet. He's a dork and I love him.

I have mixed feelings about how I actual feel? Like, I'm totally cool if we're just friends and that's all we'll ever be but I am also cool with dating him... I mean, he'd make a suitable first boyfriend. My mom seemingly like him, despite talking to him for less than a minute. I may or may not talk into joining me to prom cause I'm on prom commitee and might as well force someone to go with me.

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